Group Insurance in the Sherwood Park Area – Your Group Advantage
Looking to get discounted coverage for your group or association? At Matheson Insurance Services Ltd, we offer exclusive group insurance in the Sherwood Park area as well as throughout the province. These exclusive group offers are ideal for property insurance and auto insurance. You can also win more than great insurance coverage by joining our sweepstakes.
Matheson Insurance offers an exclusive group home and automobile discounted program for the following occupations:

Teachers/school board employees
Oilfield and pipeline employees
Municipal employees
Certified trader’s workers
Matheson Insurance offers an exclusive group home and automobile discounted program for members and their employees of the following associations

alberta chambers of commerce

Sherwood Park and District Chamber of Commerce

Better Business Bureau of Central and Northern Alberta
Being a member of a group has its advantages. We've partnered with Economical Selectâ„¢ to offer you exclusive group rates for your car and home insurance.
With your group advantage, you’ll enjoy:
Quality insurance products tailored to your individual needs
Competitive rates
Superior claims service
Sign Up Your Group
Think this is something your organization might be interested in? Getting started in the program is easy — and it doesn’t cost a thing to run.
We’re Here to Help
Matheson Insurance partnered with The Economical Group insurance program is a simple, low maintenance way for you to offer your employees or group member’s exclusive discounts on car and home insurance. We're here to help you get started, with plenty of resources and tools to set up and promote the plan.
Group Insurance
You can count on:
Exclusive discounts on car and home insurance
Convenient payment plans
Fast, courteous, 24-hour claims service
Potential extra savings when claims-free, conviction-free, or bundling multiple policies
Licensed insurance representatives who provide professional insurance counseling
Does Your Group Qualify?
We consider these types of groups:
Employees working for the same employer
Members of a skilled labour union
Professional, occupational, or alumni associations
Non-profit organizations that have existed for at least two years
Email us at geoff@mathesoninsurance.ca to find out if your organization is eligible. We'll then connect you with one of our broker partners to get the ball rolling.
Let’s Get Started
As your partner in the program, we will:
Help you complete your group profile
Provide an annual marketing plan with printed materials, educational sessions, and promotional offers
Handle all sales and service functions to reduce your administration duties and protect you from liability
Getting started is easy and there’s no cost for you! Just email Matheson Insurance and we'll work with administration to set your group up with exclusive discounts on car and home insurance.
Contact Geoff today to find out your exclusive group discount on car or home insurance.
Car Insurance that Goes beyond Your Day-to-Day Drive
Go ahead and explore the open road, your favourite trails, and places in between with your:
Private passenger vehicle
Antique vehicle
Home Insurance that Suits Your Lifestyle
Get flexible coverage options for your:
Rental property
Cottage or vacation trailer
Superior Claims Service with a 93% Claims Satisfaction Rating
When the unexpected happens, you’ll receive the service and attention you deserve. With Economical Group, a specialized team of 600 claims professionals will be there for you 24/7. You’ll also get best-in-class guarantees on fast, hassle-free repairs.
No Service Fees
Convenient payment options with no interest, service charges, or fees.
How it Works
The group discount rating is based on a standard home and auto insurance policy underwritten by Waterloo Insurance Company with no previous discounts applied and does not take into consideration other insurance provider policy rates.